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"It's time for the people to lead, not the government."

This campaign is fueled by Oregonians, like you, desperate for change.

"The last four years have been difficult for Oregon families."

“Rising crime, homelessness, rampant drug addiction, a brutal economy, and skyrocketing inflation. We deserve principled leaders with real-life experience to lead Oregon through these tough times. I’ve been a small business owner for more than 20 years and know first-hand the impact government regulations, taxes, and mandates can have on hardworking families and small businesses. We all see how the national economy has tanked. Oregon’s leaders should not double down on disastrous public policies that only make things worse for families and businesses here. I promise I will fight for you!”

“She will work tirelessly to ensure all citizens of Oregon are not continually burdened by big government overreach impacting their lives.”

Linda FloresFormer Oregon State Representative

“I endorse Sue Leslie for State Representative.
Sue will bring a fresh perspective to House District 40, representing Oregon City, Gladstone, and our unicorporated area. She will be a new voice for business and the community of Gladstone.”

Sean Rosengrant

“I support Sue Leslie for State Representative.
Sue will hit the ground running. Her professionalism as a leader in business and her knowledge of government regulations, her commitment to the community makes her an ideal candidate for State Representative and to work for the betterment of the state of Oregon.”

Steve LeitzBaskin Robbins, Gladstone, Oregon

“I confidently recommend Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative.
Sue is an organized leader that is adept at providing clear consistent communication.”

Bonnie DearCrossroads Cafe', Gladstone, Oregon

The Pressing Issues Facing Oregon.

Unleash Economic Opportunity and Prosperity

Get the government out of the way of job creation.

Restore Law & Order

Humane, but effective, law enforcement.

Bring Back Sanity to Our Schools

We should demand excellence from Oregon public schools.

Let's rebuild Oregon together. Submit your email to receive updates from the campaign.

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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

Campaign Office
123 Main St.
Oregon City, OR

T: 555-555-5555