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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

Unleash Oregon’s Economic Opportunity and Prosperity

  • Get government out of the way of job creation. Let’s work together to pass policies that create economic mobility so families don’t just earn a living, they thrive and prosper. We can make Oregon a place where our children and grandchildren can thrive, with more opportunities than our generation had. 
  • Federal taxes and red tape are bad enough. Oregon needs to lead on cutting back, not layering on more. There are virtually limitless opportunities to get government under control and to reduce the burden on Oregon’s families, farmers, and small businesses. Government should be looking for ways to help businesses, not ways to punish them. 
  • Government should also look for ways to help families instead of punishing them. We can and must reduce energy, food, utility, and housing costs. We can do this by working together to streamline state agencies, fees, and regulations layered on at every level of government. 
  • Oregon’s unique land use system is out of balance. We’ve protected our natural beauty, but we’ve left landowners and homebuilders out in the cold. We need to streamline permitting and repeal Oregon’s complex and restrictive land use system. This will have an immediate effect on housing costs that are driving our out-of-control homeless crisis.
  • No senior citizen should have to pay property taxes. They’ve already paid a lifetime of taxes that went to build our infrastructure. Those living on a fixed income should not have to fear losing their homes over taxes that grew faster than their retirement.
  • Speaking of infrastructure, our state budget has been wasted on too many pet projects and special payoffs to political cronies. It’s time to demand a thorough audit of every law and regulation on the books to make sure it still does what was promised when it was passed.

Repeal what isn’t working, and focus on delivering the basic services that every Oregonian expects from its government. 

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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

Campaign Office
123 Main St.
Oregon City, OR

T: 555-555-5555