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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

I’m humbled to ask for your vote. My commitment is to always listen to you, and represent the people of House District 40 with the highest integrity. I hope I can earn your vote.

I feel incredibly lucky to have been born into a military family.  As a young girl growing up in a military family, I was given the opportunity to grow up in different parts of our country and overseas.  Living the life of a Naval officer’s daughter taught me discipline and gave me an opportunity to learn from others from different cultures and backgrounds. 

I moved to Oregon as a teenager and finished High School in Oregon City.  I have been a resident of Oregon City for almost five decades. I attended Mt Hood Community College, where I focused my studies on political science. I had the honor of working at the state capital as a legislative assistant to Representative Larry Sowa.

Being a previous business owner, I am no stranger to hard work and patience. I built two successful small businesses from the ground up. I understand the hardships local businesses face and the dedication it takes to keep a small business alive in Oregon.

I worked in the telecommunications industry as a small business consultant and project manager. In my role as a project manager, I navigated land use laws and negotiations with city, county, and state authorities. I also worked with legal counsel to resolve issues on lease contracts, as well as negotiate the terms of new contracts for the wireless telecommunication carriers. 

The issue facing all of us are serious, our hard-working families, small businesses and farmers are paying the price for the decades of bad decisions made by out of touch, or corrupt politicians.  It’s time for change.  Homelessness, skyrocketing crime, and open-air street drug use don’t need to be the new normal. We can do better – I promise to work with local community leaders, law enforcement, and you to address the critical issues facing our communities.  I pledge to represent you, not the special interests and lobbyists in Salem. 

I hope I can earn your vote!

-Sue Leslie, Candidate for State House District 40

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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

Campaign Office
123 Main St.
Oregon City, OR

T: 555-555-5555