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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

Restore Law and Order on Oregon Streets

  • Oregon must show the will to remove dangerous criminals from our streets, which have gotten unlivable in too many ways.
  • Oregon passed Measure 110, the hard drug decriminalization measure, with good intentions, but it has failed. We’ve been left with human wreckage on our streets, massive increases in violent crime, and spikes in overdoses and drug-related deaths. For all that, we’ve got none of the promised drug treatment to reduce the addictions driving these humanitarian crises. Studies show contact with the law enforcement system often leads individuals to seek effective addiction treatment and spurs many to turn their lives around. We must Repeal Measure 110, Oregon’s hard drug decriminalization ballot measure.
  • Defunding the police has also failed. Reducing law enforcement personnel leaves departments with less experience, less effective management, and poorer training. We must expand state and local police funding, training, and support. Oregon can lead on creating a more humane law enforcement system that is, at the same time, more effective.
  • Undermining Measure 11, which creates mandatory minimum sentencing for violent crime, has also failed. We must increase penalties for sex offenders and violent criminals. Prosecutors and district attorneys should be held accountable and should prosecute ALL crimes equally, without bias. At the same time, we can still show compassion to those who honestly need a hand out of poverty and despair. As just one example, Oregon should direct significant resources to creating after-school programs for homeless youth. 
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Sue Leslie for Oregon State Representative

Campaign Office
123 Main St.
Oregon City, OR

T: 555-555-5555